DPW announces “Cleaner, Greener, Beautiful-Baltimore” logo contest
It’s a chance for people to “contribute to an exciting new program,” says the director of the Department of Public Works
Above: Jason Mitchell announced his resignation on January 9. (Brew file photo)
In an emailed press release today, the Baltimore Department of Public Works invites residents to “help showcase the upcoming Cleaner, Greener, Beautiful-Baltimore community engagement initiative” to eliminate illegal dumping and reduce blight.
Here is the release in full:
Today, Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) Director Jason W. Mitchell announced a logo design contest for DPW’s upcoming Cleaner, Greener, Beautiful-Baltimore campaign, a new community engagement program that the Department plans to launch in September.
The Cleaner, Greener, Beautiful-Baltimore campaign is designed to engage the community in DPW’s work to eliminate illegal dumping and reduce blight all around our City, especially in our streets, storm drains and alleyways.
The logo design contest is open to all Baltimore City residents. DPW invites professional and amateur artists to enter the contest. The deadline to apply is August 19, 2022.
“This logo contest not only offers Baltimore City residents an opportunity to highlight their artistic skills but it also enables residents to contribute to an exciting new program that will encourage our community partners to work together to renew their commitment to a cleaner, greener City,” said DPW Director Mitchell.
The winning logo will be used for the branding and promotion of Cleaner, Greener, Beautiful-Baltimore citywide activities and/or events, and featured on DPW’s website and social media platforms.
All designs must be of original artwork and capture Cleaner, Greener, Beautiful-Baltimore’s mission.
Entries will be judged on originality, creativity, relevance, craftmanship, and composition. Entries must also reflect the elements of Baltimore and the Department of Public Works.
Winning entries will receive the following prizes:
1st Place: $1,500 to be used to support a Cleaner, Greener, Beautiful-Baltimore event.
2nd Place: $500 to be used to support a Cleaner, Greener, Beautiful-Baltimore community event.
Honorable Mentions: Certificates and name recognition on DPW’s website.