Restrictions lifted at two additional State Center buildings
One State Center building and two district courthouses are still under water restrictions
Above: One of the State Center buildings in Baltimore, 1100 North Eutaw Street, that officials say now has acceptable levels of the Legionella bacteria. (Fern Shen)
The latest water quality test results for two buildings at State Center – 201 West Preston Street and 1100 North Eutaw Street – were within the normal limits for Legionella bacteria, the Department of General Services (DGS) said today in a news release.
Given the results, “all water restrictions have been lifted, meaning the water is drinkable,” the DGS release said.
It’s the latest update on the condition of the four buildings at the state office complex on Baltimore’s Westside, all aging structures found to have elevated levels of the health-harming bacteria.
Facing criticism from employees and a demonstration by unions, the state has been flushing and sanitizing the buildings. Last week, the DGS said that another buildings in the complex, 300 West Preston Street, had been cleared of Legionella and that the water was safe to drink.
Still under restrictions due to Legionella findings are 301 West Preston Street and two Baltimore District Courts at 5800 Wabash Avenue and 700 East Patapsco Avenue.
According to DGS, state agencies currently using office space at State Center include:
• The Maryland Department of Health (201 West Preston Street)
• The departments of Budget Management, General Services and Health & Mental Hygiene (300 West Preston Street)
• The departments of Health, Budget & Management, Aging, General Services and Tax Court (301 West Preston Street)
• The Department of Labor (1100 North Eutaw Street)
– To contact a reporter: fern.shen@baltimorebrew.com