Senior advisor to Mayor Scott hasn’t filed a required ethics form months after it was due
The Ethics Board asked for, but has not gotten, an entry disclosure statement from Calvin Young
Above: Calvin A. Young III is the senior advisor to the mayor.
Mayor Brandon Scott’s former campaign treasurer faces a potential $1,000 fine for not filing a mandatory financial disclosure statement after he was hired as the mayor’s $140,000-a-year senior advisor.
Calvin A. Young III was required to fill out the online entry form and submit it to the Board of Ethics within 30 days of his September 3 hire.
As of this afternoon, the board has no record of an entry statement by Young, Ethics Board Director J. Christoph Amberger said, despite contacting him that the sworn statement, which asks general questions about an employee’s outside income, real estate holdings and gifts from persons doing business with the city, was past due.
On January 10, The Brew queried Amberger about why Young’s entry statement – along with that of Chad S. Helton, who was hired on September 30 as CEO of the Enoch Pratt Library – was not available for public viewing.
Helton submitted his entry statement five days later, but nothing came back from Young.
Amberger said he was notified that a filing was “in the works” and said he urged that it be submitted to the board as quickly as possible given the many months that had lapsed.
Young did not return multiple telephone and email messages seeking comment. He did text, “What do you need,” but did not respond further to questions.
UPDATE: After this story was posted, Bryan Doherty, the mayor’s deputy chief of staff, said that Young would not immediately submit an entry statement but would instead combine it with his 2025 filing.
This would delay his ethics disclosure. Doherty did not answer why Young hadn’t submitted his entry statement on time last September.
Doherty’s statement to The Brew reads: “Calvin Young has already been in touch with the Ethics Board to receive guidance on the most appropriate way to file. He will combine his entry statement and standard 2025 yearly filing, which will be submitted in due course.”
$10-a-day Fine
The Ethics Board can levy a $10-a-day fee for a late filing, up to a maximum of $1,000. Young is now 118 days past due, meaning that the board could assess the maximum fine.
“The board may assess a late fee for those who are not in compliance. Or it may decide to waive the fine or assess a portion of the fine depending on the circumstances,” Amberger said.
Because Helton did comply with the board’s request, Amberger said he doubted it would seek a penalty.
He said that Young’s tardiness may be taken up by the board at its next meeting on February 12.
Three of its five members are nominated by the mayor. The board currently has four members and is chaired by attorney Stephan Fogleman.
Controversial Figure
Young was controversial before he was hired by the mayor after serving as Scott’s campaign treasurer during his successful primary run for a second term in office.
Named chair of East Baltimore Development Inc. (EBDI) last March, Young was accused of firing the nonprofit’s vice president because he supported Scott’s rival, Sheila Dixon, in the Democratic primary.
The fired officer, Andrew C. “Andy” Freeman, lambasted Young as a political operative, who he said upended the city-funded development group, leading to other staff and board resignations.
Freeman’s lawyers filed a claims notice against Young and the mayor detailing the allegations. He also testified before a City Council committee about his experience.
In an interview today, Freeman said his attorneys are still preparing a federal lawsuit against the two, claiming discrimination and violation of his First Amendment rights.
Young’s hiring by the mayor was first reported by The Brew and later confirmed by his representative to City Council. His duties at City Hall are unclear, but reportedly involve advising the mayor on economic inclusion, development priorities and matters of equity.
Prior to his appointment, he was a partner at Green Street Impact Partners, an investment group founded by financier David Warnock.
His family has close ties to the mayor. His twin brother, Caylin Young, is Scott’s deputy equity officer as well as a state delegate (D, 45th). His older sister, Chanel Young, replaced him as Scott’s campaign treasurer last September.